Back in the show ring: successes, memories and more

Back in the show ring: successes, memories and more

Matthew Winterholler

Our show season ended a little over a week ago. We capped off the season with a win that was at the forefront of our goals since this last winter. We’ve since had some time to sit down and reflect on our successful year in the show ring.

Matthew and Ryan relaxing ringside

Ryan and I met a little over three years ago, but this was the first year that I joined him on the sometimes long and tiring show trail. I must say it was quite the experience, and one that brought Ryan and I even closer together. I showed livestock throughout high school, but it had been a while since I was in the show ring—not to mention I was much more used to hogs.

Nonetheless, it was great to be able to help in the background and make my way into the show ring once again. It was also so fun to see Ryan in his element and achieving his goals. 

A winning show season—with many, many sacrifices

We ended the year with huge accomplishments for our herd. We showed the ABGA National Grand Champion Percentage Produce of Dam. In the Big Red Buckle Series’, we earned the percentage doe high point winner and overall high point winner. Throughout the season, we took home 17 grand championships and 11 reserve championships. Further, JRJSG Kennedy Davenport—our favorite doe kid—earned more than 300 points before she was seven months old. Her dam, JRJSG Ariana Grande, earned her Percentage Doe of Excellence.

But those accomplishments weren’t without their sacrifices. After kidding season, Ryan said to me, “My goal this year is to win the Nebraska series.” 

“Alright,” I said, “Let’s do it.” 

Ryan and I are much the same in how we pursue our goals—failing to meet them is not an option. Night after night, we halter broke doe kids, worked hair, clipped and so much more.

We spent many nights eating frozen pizza because we’d get in the house too late to cook much else, something we’re sure many producers can relate to. Further, we spent nearly 80 hours in the truck and drove more than 5,500 miles across the Midwest and West for goat shows this summer.

All this to chase a goal that would help us demonstrate the premier genetics that call Throckmorton Show Goats home (check it out for yourself!).

Memories from the goat show ring

It takes a village, as they say. The accolades we brought back to the farm would not be possible without the help of our village. And Lord knows we wouldn’t have had nearly as much fun doing it if they weren’t along for the ride.

We had many late nights at the barn, restaurants and Airbnbs with laughs galore (and maybe a few drinks). The value of those friendships was never more evident than at the last show of the season, Platte Valley Boer-nanza. With 15 goats to get through the show ring, everyone was working on animals—whether their own or not—to ensure they all got through the ring looking their best. I, for one, spent a lot of time blowing animals and breaking down legs.

That family-like atmosphere at the shows made all the sacrifices worth it. After all, if we aren’t having fun, there’s no reason to be chasing those buckles and banners.

Next up: Winter break—or is it?

Now that we’ve unloaded the last show trailer, we’re headed straight into kidding season—a two-week break is enough, right?

We cannot wait to see what kind of progeny hit the ground this year. We have some of the most exciting genetics in years, and we’re always eager to see how our herd improves year after year. You can bet we’ll start putting a good set together for next year’s sales soon.

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