Clipping Guide

Start clipping goats like a professional

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Stand out in the show ring with this how-to clipping guide for breeding does and bucks.

With more than two decades of experience raising and showing goats, Ryan Throckmorton breaks down the basics of clipping does and bucks to easily look professional and polished for the show ring.

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Why use our clipping guide?

There’s two simple reasons you can trust our guide: experience and success.

Ryan Throckmorton, the principal of Throckmorton Show Goats, has raised and shown registered Boer goats for nearly 15 years. Over that decade and a half, Ryan has traveled the country showing goats. His experience in a variety of show rings allowed him to learn from many industry professionals. Further, he’s found the techniques that work the best. Through all of this experience, he’s honed the art that is clipping goats.

Throckmorton Show Goats is also a standout in the show ring. With Ryan’s leadership and attention to detail, we’ve fit and shown champion after champion. From local, small shows to the majors and the ABGA National Show, we’ve hung awards from many show rings. That success can largely be attributed to how Ryan clips goats in a way that highlights their assets.

Ryan Throckmorton clipping goats for the show ring

What’s included in the guide?

A peek into how the guide will improve your skills for clipping goats.

Product & Equipment Suggestions

Take advantage of our years of product use to learn what works best.

Breeding Doe & Buck Graphics

Get down to the business with our easy-to-use color-coded clipping graphics.

Professional Commentary

Ryan will talk you through clipping as a tool for each individual animal.

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